The anchor text is a small but significant part of your content that can impact your SEO strategy. It is the link that stays blue until it is linked, at which point, it will turn purple. If set up well can be incredibly useful in earning backlinks that can boost your SERP rankings phenomenally. It is just one of the many small things that can contribute to your website’s ranking among search engine results.
If you have not yet optimized your anchor text, you are in the right place. We are going to share some tips to optimize it for the benefit of your SEO strategy:
Don’t Over-Optimize The Anchor Text
It is quite easy to over-optimize the anchor text. For example, using keywords is a good way to optimize the anchor text. However, spamming it and repeating it over and over again is a way to over-optimize it. It will only hurt your SEO efforts because Google may detect it as something forced rather than natural, leading to penalties.
Place Anchor Text In An Obvious Spot
Hiding your anchor text is one way to hurt its ability to attract attention. This might sound like an obvious mistake, but not many people realize that they may have placed the anchor text in a hard-to-find place. As such, a good rule of thumb is that anchor texts should be placed near something obvious that draws attention, such as images and headings.
Keep Anchor Text Relevant To Your Content
The main purpose of an anchor text is to link users to something relevant to what they read to give them a deeper understanding of a topic. For example, if the article is about motorbikes and you want to delve deeper into a bike’s engine, you would not link it to the top 10 pencils in the market today. Also, keep the anchor text’s actual text relevant to the content to ensure navigability in the website.
Avoid Linking To Shoddy (Untrust-Worthy) Websites
Google pays attention to many factors when it comes to ranking websites, and one of those factors is the quality of websites that you are back-linked from. This means that if you are linked to spammy and shoddy websites, your SEO is going to take a hit. Simply put, only ever link to reputable websites, even if that means linking to only a handful. Quality is the name of the game, and although quantity is great, it is just nice to have.
All in all, the anchor text does a great deal for bolstering your SEO efforts. Well-optimized anchor texts will help push your rank up, increase user satisfaction, and achieve overall growth for your website. On the other hand, an under-optimized or over-optimized anchor text will do nothing but hurt your website’s performance, so do what is necessary for the success of your website!
Cyrusson Inc. is a full-service marketing agency in San Francisco, helping local businesses grow online and secure success. Reach out to us today and maximize your website’s performance online!