6 Ways to Boost Your Email Marketing

Dec 19, 2020 | Digital Marketing, All, Marketing

Boost your email marketing strategies by implementing few things that will ensure better return-on-investment.

Email marketing is one of the most effective digital marketing tools today. However one-size-fits-all tricks don’t work in 2020 especially when we consider the billions of email users. If as a brand you want to boost your email marketing strategy you must understand the changing dynamics of the market. Research indicates that email marketing influences customers and helps them make purchase decisions. They also engage better with brands.

In the coming years email marketing will gather more heat. You may be lagging behind if you do not take pro-active steps today. Keeping the following six things will give you a headway in successfully implementing email marketing strategies.

#1 Carefully Build Email List
Who you send out the emails to determines the success of your campaign. The chances of fetching long-term results is higher when you build a meticulous email list. To do so keep in mind the following things –

  • Have an opt-in option allowing customers to personally authorize their email subscriptions
  • Make simple signup forms and strategically place them on your website
  • Make sure the data fields are relevant so that you have correct information for future communication
  • Continuously update your list. Also verify it at regular intervals.

Remember that you will only be successful with your email marketing efforts when your emails are going to the right people, at the right time.

#2 Create Interest Through Catchy Subject Lines
Email marketing is hardly used to send formal emails. That’s why you must focus on your subject which needs to be catchy and interesting. If the subject line isn’t engaging, very few users will open your email. According to a Business2Community research 47% email recipients open only emails based on what’s written on the subject. Short, crisp words work best. Research shows that subject lines with about 6 to 10 words are most opened while ones with 21 to 25 words are rarely opened.

#3 Keep The Email Design Low-Key
Did you know that most emails sent by brands go unopened or unread? Billions and billions of emails are sent everyday by brands to their audience, but not all get read. Do you know why? The second important reason that determines the readability of your email campaign (after Point 2 made above) is design. If you want to showcase your designing prowess, emails are just not the right place. Readers prefer to open emails that are simple yet stand out of the crowd. Contrary to belief, colorful and bright designs don’t work here. Your emails should look authentic and have a minimalist design.

#4 Design Emails For Mobiles
According to statista.com there will be 6.95 billion mobile users by the end of 2020 which will rise in the next 3 years to 7.33 billion users. Most people are reading their emails on their mobile devices and this trend is only going to increase. What does this mean for your email marketing strategies? You must optimize emails such that they can easily be read on mobile devices. Otherwise you won’t reach out to more customers. Keeping simple things in mind will help.

  • Don’t have too many files and images in your email as that will increase the load time
  • Use short text
  • Use a responsive design
  • Have a call-to-action rather than links

#5 Personalize Your Emails
“One-mail” to all your email subscribers won’t work in 2020. You must personalize the emails for them to be effective. Since your customer have varying needs, your emails should address them differently. Few things that help personalize your emails are –

  • Make sure you have the subscriber’s first name on the subject line.
  • Do not send emails from “no-reply” accounts
  • Greet personally to improve your engagement

#6 Track Your Performance
Irrespective of the email marketing strategy that you implement, you must track its performance. This will help you gather insights to improve your strategy in the coming days. Email open rate, conversion rate, click-through rate are some of the KPIs that you must keep in mind. Understand that all your strategies may not work but knowing what works and what doesn’t is key to success.

While planning your email marketing strategies, get in touch with Cyrusson Inc. Our dedicated email marketing strategists will help you improve your reach and visibility. You will be able to engage and convert leads better with our help. Get in touch with us today!


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