7 Ways to Boost your Brand with Videos

Jun 22, 2020 | Digital Marketing, All, Marketing

Did you know the second most popular search engine on the web is YouTube? Undoubtedly, video is quite effective when it comes to marketing. Video marketing, especially for small businesses, has become an effective strategy for those who used it. Now, if you are wondering how to use video to your marketing strategy, then in this post, we are going to read 7 ways you can boost your brand.

1. Give your Introduction and explain your services or what you do

Add video to your homepage that outlines what you do. Make sure to keep it under 90 seconds. When you combine audio and video, it makes complicated concepts easier and easy to understand. You can add in-depth videos that explain your services and product features. This video provides a solution to the problem.

2. Highlight Social Proof

For any business, customers are the biggest brand advocates. So, it is better to get them in front of the camera and let them share their experience. This can make other people trust your brand.

3. Let experts educate your audience

One of the best ways to situate your company as a leader in your space is to get your very own leaders before a camera sharing their knowledge and instructing your audience. An incredible case of this is Moz’s Whiteboard Fridays, a video plan that CEO and Co-Founder Rand Fishkin made when the company was simply beginning. Whatever your specialty, share your knowledge and make your mastery known

4. Show Off Your Culture

You’ve most likely found out about “culture content” previously, however, what is it truly? It’s content that shows what makes your business unique. In all honesty, purchasers need to identify with who they’re purchasing from, something that is particularly valid for small businesses. It tends to be the difference between them signing a deal with you or your greatest competitor. That is the reason you have to show off what your identity is and what your organization is about.

5. Offer Your Origin Story

This is especially applicable for small businesses, significantly more so than bigger enterprises. Like culture content, individuals are frequently extremely keen on how the association they spend their cash on was established. Gracious and furthermoreā€¦ individualsā€™ romantic tales. It’s in our DNA.The Founders Brewing Company’s “The Story” video is an extraordinary case of this. They found the perfect balance between recounting to their story, sharing where they originated from and making it applicable to their customers and employees.

6. Blog in the Medium Your Audience Craves

Video blogs, otherwise called Vlogs, don’t have a Hollywood production budget. Record a video blog with your webcam while sitting in your office or a meeting room. Or then again even utilize your telephone to record a few musings while you’re strolling down the street!

7. Thank Your Customers

Dedication is basic to the manageability of your business. Keep your customers around by making them feel appreciated. Send them a reminder now and then that you’re thankful for them and their help as an individual video! This sort of video unquestionably doesn’t need to be high production value either, truth be told, unpleasant around the edges seems to be progressively authentic and off-the-cuff.

If you want to embed video to your website or marketing campaign, get it professionally done by Cyrusson!




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