3 Google Ads Mistakes That You Need to Avoid

Jun 18, 2021 | All, Digital Ads, Digital Marketing

Whether you are a business owner or a marketer, you know that you will always want to get the most out of your marketing efforts, especially from your PPC efforts for Google Ads. You want to drive traffic to your website that could turn to conversions, but if your PPC strategies aren’t right, you could be missing out on valuable opportunities for growth.

As you should know, the more clicks that you get, the more leads you can produce. However, there are several mistakes that some marketers make that could get advertisers broke, and they should be avoided and addressed immediately. On the other hand, some are not even aware that they are committing these mistakes.

If you want to know what these Google Ad blunders are and why you must avoid them, keep reading as our experts at Cyrusson tells you all about them:

1 – Failing to Use the Right Keyword Matches

There are three keyword categories that are used for Google Ads: broad match, phrase match, and exact match. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is not using the right keyword match type. As Google allows you to run your ads using any keyword match, you need to decide which to use.

You have to be strategic with your choice because it will impact your ads in a big way. For instance, a broad match could get you more impressions, but it’s not going to be as precise as it will shop up even for terms that aren’t an exact fit for your ads. On the other hand, exact matches and phrase matches can deliver a higher conversion rate but get you limited impressions, so you might not be able to reach the target number of people you want to reach.

What you can do is start with exact matches, and then just expand to broad and phase as necessary. You should also see what exact matches can give you better results and if you think you’re not getting enough, add phrase matches. And if they’re still not enough, then give a broad match a try.

2 – Not Tracking Conversions and Profit Margins

It doesn’t matter if you’re doing your business online or offline; you need to track both your conversion and profit margins. In the end, you’re not just looking at your short-term profit but also your long-term revenue, and this is especially important for PPC. Make sure you use the Tools and Analysis menu on Google AdWords to set up a conversion for sales to understand how much you should be making and the conversion rate you need to achieve that.

3 – Not Bidding on Your Brand Name Keywords

Many marketers actually fail to do this crucial practice, not realizing its potential in increasing conversions and getting attention for your brand. Also, when you bid on your brand terms, you have better chances of getting the top two spots on the results page. Additionally, you don’t want your competition to buy your brand term and get a higher spot than yours, which is likely to happen if you don’t secure your space with a brand keyword campaign.


At this point, you now know three mistakes that might seem like nothing but can have a huge impact on your PPC efforts. You must avoid them as much as possible, especially if you’re an advertiser, because you don’t want to drain your budget and not get desirable results. Of course, one of the best ways to avoid these is to choose the right digital marketing agency to handle your PPC campaigns.

Cyrusson is among the best advertising agencies in San Francisco that can provide you with expert services for all your marketing campaigns. Aside from working on your PPC, we can also take care of your other digital marketing concerns. Contact our team today, and let’s work on your PPC strategies!

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