Improve Your Website’s Performance With These Tips

May 9, 2022 | All, Digital Marketing, Website Development

In the digital world, a website is one of the first things potential customers will want to see before they make a purchase. Everything needs to be seamless, from the landing page to the shopping cart.

Your website is your storefront, and if it’s not good, your business will struggle with converting. You need a good website to generate a lead or sale from traffic, and we have just the advice you need to help you do that.

Compress Your Images

When you have a product that requires a photo, it’s essential to have a high-quality image. However, its size will affect load times.

By compressing your images, you reduce their size while maintaining the appropriate quality for web pages. Do this to get faster load speeds and lower bounce rates.

Declutter Your Web Page

A cluttered page with too much information will make your website hard to navigate. This is why you should always give your web pages a good content audit.

There should be a good balance between images and text, and the content should be relevant to your brand. Bombarding your visitor with too much information upon arriving at your website can be too distracting and will ultimately take away from your sale.

Utilize Landing Pages 

A landing page is a web page hosted on your site, but it’s only accessible through a specific link. It’s supposed to be focused on a particular goal, like selling a discounted product.

Landing pages effectively convert traffic into sales, so use them well.

Apply Responsive Web Design

Responsive design makes your website adapt to whatever device your visitor is using. It means that you can have your website on a desktop, tablet, or mobile device, and everything will look right. 

Sites that use responsive design experience higher conversion rates because they are accessible to all users, regardless of their device.

Use a Content Delivery Network

A content delivery network (CDN) is an external server that provides your website with abundant resources. This runs the images, videos, and other media from the server, reducing the visitor’s overall load time.

If you have a lot of content on your site, using a CDN will help your website load faster.

Run Tests on Your Website

Run tests on your website to know what’s working and what isn’t. This will give you a greater understanding of your users, along with how they view your website.

By running tests, you can form a baseline to see how your site evolves over time. Run tests on multiple devices while connected to a different server than your website to truly emulate your users’ experience.


Always remember to prioritize function over flare when building your website’s foundation and striving to enhance your online presence. It’s important that your website runs well first before you focus on the parts that will draw more traffic to it. Give it good legs to stand on, and then you can get creative with how you approach things. A good website is synonymous with good business!

Develop effective web design by working with a digital marketing agency in San Francisco. Cyrusson is a creative agency that can help you in all aspects of your digital campaign. Collaborate with us today, and let our designers and digital marketing experts oversee your web page’s needs!

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