Despite the frequent use of the word ‘brand’, the true meaning behind the word brand is not completely understood by many, so we are going to dive into the importance of Brand Recognition.
The idea of branding was originally created centuries ago when farmers distinguished their cattle by creating a mark on them with a hot iron seal. Years later, producers used the same concept through packaging to distinguish their products from competitors. In that sense, you could say a brand is a way for trademarking. It is a way to distinguish a product or a service.
A brand gives your product an identity but it is more than that. A brand also represents the value and promise made by your company. Customers can decipher one brand from another through an element or a combination of elements.
Some of the elements that help distinguish a brand and make it unique are as follows:
Logo: This is one of the most common brand elements, yet it is the most important. A logo can be any symbol or a visual feature of the company’s name. Naturally, this is the first thing that pops up into anyone’s mind when the brand or company is mentioned.
Name of the Brand or Company: Obviously, the name itself is just as important. The name helps us identify the business along with all the products and services that they provide.
Packaging: Many companies are seen to create unique packaging that speaks for the brand itself. For example, even by seeing the silhouette of a bottle of Coca Cola, we know what it is without having to look at the name or the logo.
Jingle: Just like everything else, most brands have their own unique music that they use. These jingles also help us recognize the specific brand.
Colors: Colors are also commonly used for brand recognition. It plays a vital role in a brand’s identity.
Slogan or tagline: If done right slogans are great for brand recognition. Not only are they catchy and easy to remember, but they are also identifiable to many.
There are many brand elements that help with brand recognition. While the ones listed above are a generic few, there may be many more aspects that are specific to a particular industry.
If you want to learn more about the Importance of Brand Recognition and why it is so important for a business, feel free to reach out to a certain SF Bay Area Digital Marketing Firm (aka Cyrusson Inc). Our team of marketing experts will help you strategize for your brand’s recognition.